Monday, 5 December 2011
Thursday, 1 December 2011
Why Using Song to Teach English
Language teachers can and should use songs as part of their classroom teaching repertoire. Songs contain authentic language, are easily obtainable, provide vocabulary, grammar and cultural aspects and are fun for the students. They can provide valuable speaking, listening and language practice in and out of the classroom. Some key reasons songs can work exceedingly well in the foreign language classroom include the following:
1. Songs almost always contain authentic, natural language.
This often contrasts the contrived, stilted language found in many student texts. Of course songs can also go to the other extreme by using overly crude, foul or otherwise objectionable language. With careful screening, an extensive library of usable songs for language learning can be compiled.
2. A variety of new vocabulary can be introduced to students through songs.
Looking to boost student vocabulary with useful phrases, vocabulary and expressions? Songs are almost always directed to the native-speaking population so they usually contain contemporary vocabulary, idioms and expressions.
3. Songs are usually very easily obtainable.
Cibemba and Silozi non-withstanding, songs are usually not that difficult to obtain. Local sources may be available including the students themselves. There's always the internet which can connect you with song downloads in all but the most obscure languages.
4. Songs can be selected to suit the needs and interests of the students.
In English especially, so many songs are available that selection of songs with suitable themes, levels and vocabulary is not at all difficult. Allowances can also be made for complexity or simplicity of language, depending on the students, by selecting and using suitable songs.
5. Grammar and cultural aspects can be introduced through songs.
Most if not all songs have a recurring theme or story. So excerpting cultural elements is usually a possible, but often overlooked aspect of using songs. I still use "Hit the Road Jack" sung by the late Ray Charles to illustrate spoken contractions. He uses spoken contractions is virtually every line of the song.
6. Time length is easily controlled.
Whether you have an hour, 30 minutes, or only 15 minutes or so, a song can be used in the course of a planned lesson. Use of songs is very flexible.
7. Students can experience a wide range of accents.
A good thing about songs is that you can expose the students to many different kinds of English. British English, American English, Caribbean English are all widely available through songs. Accents too are well represented by songs from different regions and in a variety of types and formats. Gospel, soul, R & B, Pop, Rock, Reggae, Jazz and other styles change not only accents, but vocabulary and usage too.
8. Song lyrics can be used in relating to situations of the world around us.
Songs have been used as vehicles of protest for civil rights, workers' rights, even prisoners' rights along with an untold number of other causes. They've expounded on pollution, crime, war and almost every social theme or cause. We won't even mention how many songs are about, related to or explore the theme of sex.
9. Students think songs are natural and fun.
Well actually they are, aren't they? Fun, even silly songs abound in English. Some singers actually made a career out of them. (Ray Stevens, anyone?) They make offbeat, fun changes of pace with classroom use.
These are only some of the many reasons songs are useful in the language learning classroom. They contain authentic language, are easily obtainable, provide vocabulary, grammar and cultural aspects and are fun for the students. They provide enjoyable speaking, listening, vocabulary and language practice both in and out of the classroom. So EFL, English as a foreign language, ESL, English as a Second language and foreign language teachers should all consider using songs as a regular part of their classroom activities.
1. Songs almost always contain authentic, natural language.
This often contrasts the contrived, stilted language found in many student texts. Of course songs can also go to the other extreme by using overly crude, foul or otherwise objectionable language. With careful screening, an extensive library of usable songs for language learning can be compiled.
2. A variety of new vocabulary can be introduced to students through songs.
Looking to boost student vocabulary with useful phrases, vocabulary and expressions? Songs are almost always directed to the native-speaking population so they usually contain contemporary vocabulary, idioms and expressions.
3. Songs are usually very easily obtainable.
Cibemba and Silozi non-withstanding, songs are usually not that difficult to obtain. Local sources may be available including the students themselves. There's always the internet which can connect you with song downloads in all but the most obscure languages.
4. Songs can be selected to suit the needs and interests of the students.
In English especially, so many songs are available that selection of songs with suitable themes, levels and vocabulary is not at all difficult. Allowances can also be made for complexity or simplicity of language, depending on the students, by selecting and using suitable songs.
5. Grammar and cultural aspects can be introduced through songs.
Most if not all songs have a recurring theme or story. So excerpting cultural elements is usually a possible, but often overlooked aspect of using songs. I still use "Hit the Road Jack" sung by the late Ray Charles to illustrate spoken contractions. He uses spoken contractions is virtually every line of the song.
6. Time length is easily controlled.
Whether you have an hour, 30 minutes, or only 15 minutes or so, a song can be used in the course of a planned lesson. Use of songs is very flexible.
7. Students can experience a wide range of accents.
A good thing about songs is that you can expose the students to many different kinds of English. British English, American English, Caribbean English are all widely available through songs. Accents too are well represented by songs from different regions and in a variety of types and formats. Gospel, soul, R & B, Pop, Rock, Reggae, Jazz and other styles change not only accents, but vocabulary and usage too.
8. Song lyrics can be used in relating to situations of the world around us.
Songs have been used as vehicles of protest for civil rights, workers' rights, even prisoners' rights along with an untold number of other causes. They've expounded on pollution, crime, war and almost every social theme or cause. We won't even mention how many songs are about, related to or explore the theme of sex.
9. Students think songs are natural and fun.
Well actually they are, aren't they? Fun, even silly songs abound in English. Some singers actually made a career out of them. (Ray Stevens, anyone?) They make offbeat, fun changes of pace with classroom use.
These are only some of the many reasons songs are useful in the language learning classroom. They contain authentic language, are easily obtainable, provide vocabulary, grammar and cultural aspects and are fun for the students. They provide enjoyable speaking, listening, vocabulary and language practice both in and out of the classroom. So EFL, English as a foreign language, ESL, English as a Second language and foreign language teachers should all consider using songs as a regular part of their classroom activities.
Prof. Larry M. Lynch is a bi-lingual copywriter, expert author and photographer specializing in business, travel, food and education-related writing in South America. His work has appeared in Transitions Abroad, South American Explorer, Escape From America, Mexico News and Brazil magazines. He now lives in Colombia and teaches at a university in Cali. Want lots more free tips, help and information on language learning, public speaking, writing and mental skills development? E-mail Prof. Larry M. Lynch at: for professional consulting, EFL Teacher Training or ELT multi-media presentations at your conference or facility.
Wednesday, 30 November 2011
Teaching English With Songs (Parts Of The Body)
Salah satu cara untuk memastikan murid-murid ini tidak bosan sewaktu belajar Bahasa Inggeris.Kalau nak pro-BI memang senang sebenarnya . Selain menggunakan elemen muzik , kena rajin baca kamus BI , biasakan speaking, tngok kartun english yang belambak kat Nickelodeon channel, Cartoon Network channel dan lain-lain.
oke . berkaitan dengan tajuk di atas . Parts oF the body ? badan ni bnyak anggota nya kan . kadang2 ada jugak org salah sangka bahagian dahi dengan dagu . Kelakar je ..hurm.. Actually , aku kena mengajar budak tahun 4 . Kelas ujunggg skali ! Diorang bukannya nak dengar sangat kita membebel kat depan kelas , tapi kalau lagu , lajuu aje mulut tu nk ngikut. x sempat aku nk lontarkan suara aku yg lemak merdu(konon2nya le,hehehe) ni, diorang dah dulu dari aku... that's why la timbul dalam buah fikiran ni, nak cerita kat blog kesayangan aku ni . dan untuk kelas2 yg lain jugak, aku wajib terus menggunakan kaedah ni untuk terus menarik minat anak2 murid aku x kira la kelas mana pun...biasa la..budak2...menyanyi tu dah memg 'makanan' diaorg...Menerusi lagu lah mereka belajar . so, aku bekalkan lagu ni .enjoy ! :D
ebook with our MB (hulu besut zone)
Kerajaan negeri terenganu telah memberikn e-book kepada semua murid2 tahap 2..bermula dgn murid2 tahun 6, 5 dan 4. yang terbaru sekali kepada murid2 tahun 4 di zon sekolah aku iaitu Hulu Besut. Penyerahan ini dilakukan pada 18hb Oktober 2011 bertempat di Dewan Penyelaras Umno Pasir Akar......yang dirasmikan oleh Menteri Besar Terengganu iaitu Dato' Seri Hj Ahmad b Said....dengan bangganya aku telah ditugaskan utk mengambil gambo dan membuat dokumentasi utk program hari ini....dah la hujan lebat pulak tu....nasib baik aku tetap nmpk cun pada hari nk jumpe first time aku bertentang mata ngan mb le...
Barisan VVIP.....
Perasmian KOBERA oleh Menteri Besar Terengganu
Pertunjukan tomoi oleh Belia Hulu Besut
Persembahan koir dari SK Alor Keladi
Penerima E-Book dari SK Keruak
Sunday, 20 November 2011
Hikayat Sang Kancil dan Monyet
Di sebuah hutan yang penuh dengan buah-buahan,tinggal sang kancil bersama kawannya iaitu kura-kura.Mereka hidup saling bantu membantu antara satu sama lain.Tiba-tiba datang seekor monyet yang liar. Ia menggangu ketenteraman penghuni di hutan tersebut dengan bergayut ke sana dan ke mari.Apabila lapar ia makan buah-buahan yang ada tanpa minta kebenaran sang kancil.Monyet ternampak sang kancil sibuk bekerja lalu mendekatinya.
"Aku mahu makan buah dari pokok yang kamu tanam itu,"kata monyet. "Jangan,jangan monyet, kita tidak boleh memakan buah itu!," kata sang kancil pula.
Monyet berlari lalu mencapai buah tersut lalu memakannya. Tiba-tiba monyet menjerit bertempiaran dan lari lintang pukang seperti cacing kepanasan kerana pedas.
Rupa-rupanya buah yang dimakannya ialah cili. Itulah akibatnya kerana tidak mendengar kata dan tamak.
Friday, 28 October 2011
English project with Years 6 students....
Kesian kan kat budak2 tahun 6 skang nie kan dah x de kerja nak panitia English yg baik hati nie nk bagi diorang kerja lah ckit.......hehehe....kitorang buat guna polisterin pelbagai kaler.....aku beli polisterin n cutter polisterin menggunakan duit panitia yg melambak tu......hikhik...Idea2 nak buat Wisdom words tu disumbangkan oleh budak2 nie.......Bernas gak kepala otak diorang,,,,pandai tice dia ajar.....akulah tu....Nie hasil kerja keras diorang.........
Saturday, 1 October 2011
camping lagi...
errrrrrrmmmmmmmmm..... Pernah tak korang pikir apa sebenarnya yang menjadikan sesuatu itu best, menarik, manis(sweet)? Pernah? Sesetengah orang anggap tu semua ikut mood. ye ke?
Aku pun setuju bahawa bende tu semua bergantung pada mood. Kalo takde mood, semua yang kita buat takkan jadi kan? Kalo jadi pun, tak berapa nk sempurna le. Tak kira le apa sekalipun. Tapi tahukah u oll ada satu lagi faktor yang menyebabkan setiap sesuatu jadi menarik. Faktor itu ialah apabila kita buat sesuatu, kita buat dengan kerelaan sendiri.
ape yg membuatkan aku rase best la mase unit pengakap aku wat persembahan mlm tu..aku yg in-charge bende2 gini...ape lagi..aku pun angkut la semua barang2, kebaye, baju kelawo, tumit2 tinggi aku..kelako pun ade tgk depe ni...aku bagi idea diorg wat fashion show pakaian beragam..jap jap...dan untuk pengetahuan korang, budak2 yg aku pilih ni semua lelaki tau....tu le sbb ade yg menjadi dan ade yg x..yg paling dpt tepukan gemuruh ialah watak ibu mengandung 10 bulan ni dan watak ratu kebaye....memg menjadi lak tu..mesti dia dah biase tgk mak dia kn?wakakaka
"ibu' mengandung 10 bulan ratu kebaye..guru2 yg terpilih menjdi arca
pasca upsr-skd annual camping
sedappp oooooo jemput ni.....mkn 2 bijik kenyang semalaman..
fuh.letih bebeno rase lepas camping 3 ari yg cukup menyeronokkan bersama murid2 skd ni..perkhemahan bermula pada khamis 29hb september - 1hb oktober sabtu tengahari...cikgu2 unit kene masak untuk unit masing2...aku lak??? aku tukang amik gambo je..utk dokumentasi sekolah...hehehe...nasib baik lak unit pengakap aku ni ade tukang masak yg sempoi...sedap gak rupenye cikgu2 sekolah aku masak...aku pun ade gak ckit2 amik bahagian masak2 ni....bile lagi nk tunjuk skill kn?huahuahhua
ni lak bahagian kawad kaki....ntah mcmmane tah unit pengakap aku leh terlupe nk bagi tabik hormat nk melaporkan pada ketua..ceh!! nasib baik bukn aku yg ajo kawad kaki St.john memg best....kompem depe menang....
nampak gayenye kene sambung esok jugak ni....katil tu dah memanggil2 aku le be continued....bye2..adiossssss....
Friday, 23 September 2011
Name : Khairul Shima bt.Kintan
Umur : Rase rasenye masih lagi remaje
Tarikh Lahir : 15 April 19_ _
Tempat Lahir : Ats katil Hospital Teluk Intan
Pekerjaan : Guru hari ini & selamanya
Mengajar d : SK Darau ,Jerteh , Ganu
Asal : Teluk Intan ,Perak
Salam kenalan . Aku sbnarnye tak reti nak berblog ni . seumur hdup tak penah wujud dlm diari hidup pasal blog ni . Nasib baik lahh UPSI buat tajuk bende ni . Jenuh jgklah aku nak jadi terer dalam bab ni . Aku nak mintak tolong kengkawan bagi tnjuk ajr dlm mem'improvekn lagi blog
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